About Stewart Alpert

Sunday, June 10, 2007

I've been playing around with computers and technology since I was about 7.  I learned both high-level (WATFOR, Pascal and BASIC) and low-level (6502, 6800, 8080, Z-80 and 68000 Assembly) languages before I hit my teens.  In my early teens I was introduced to UNIX, databases, report generation languages, scripting, and machine architecture.  From programming early graphical games, to writing device drivers, to creating systems and business applications I've always enjoyed creating software, systems, and solving problems.  First and foremost, I create.

I enjoy sharing ideas and knowledge about topics on which I am often passionate. There's always someone more expert than I am but one doesn't need to be an expert for you to learn something from them.  I believe I can learn something from nearly anyone, and strive to do so often.  While I hope you can learn from me, don't accept anything I say as gospel - ask questions, learn on your own, form your own opinions, and call me on it if you disagree - I enjoy a good educated debate.

Since I'm often asked what areas interest me:  I have a strong background in technical management, software design and engineering, and infrastructure. I'm knowledgable in systems software, highly-scalable application development, Internet technologies, infrastructure design, eCommerce, media, VoIP and security. I have lots of experience in embedded systems, communications, enterprise solutions, systems engineering, and datacenter operations. I'm good at setting technology and/or product strategies. I am Web 2.0/3.0 and social media saavy. I enjoy public speaking, technical pitches, teaching and evangelizing to people at all levels. My knowledge is both broad and deep, and I can be very hands-on as well as manage large teams. I  enjoy programming in Perl, C/C++, Groovy, Python and, occasionally, various .NET languages. 

Outside of technology, I am an avid reader and enjoy writing and playing music, cooking, photography, bicycling, roller blading, and practicing martial arts.

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